Does a Fish feel WET?
what is it in your LIFE that fills amp surrounds you,
When you are submerged in water, do you feel wet? brIt is only when you are taken out of the water, that you become aware of the absence of the ocean.brbrMy family. Most specifically my parents. Their love and support of me has surrounded me my whole life. They have loved all five of their children completely and unconditionally a feat on its own, but sometimes I take their unwavering support for granted. I forget that they are there to love and guide me and aid me when Life becomes a battlefield. brYes, Im very independent and I have this need to do things on my own, my own way. I think I have this need to face every challenge, every obstacle, alone. As if Im trying prove the strength of my will to myself and to the world.brBut in fact, very few experiences have I truly faced alone my parents love and support and guidience have always been with me and sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I just take them for granted. brWhen it is their time and they pass from this world into the next, I will miss their presence immensely. I will feel wet, for the ocean of the love and support will be gone save for the memory of them that shall be carried forever in my heart and in my actions.brbrNamaste
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