Thursday, October 4, 2012

Does a FEATHER in the WIND has a PURPOSE....or only when it finds a PLACE to LAND?


Does a FEATHER in the WIND has a PURPOSE....or only when it finds a PLACE to LAND?
What is a FLOWERS real PURPOSE, to bring BEAUTY or to bear FRUITS?


If there were no wind then what purpose would the feather have since it never left its original perch? Finding a place to land is often a life long adventure. To those of us who believe Life is an adventure then we are forever in the WIND, not necessarily looking to land. As we pass by the flowers we find exhilaration in their beauty and notice that their fruits provide the staple for other life to continue. When those of us in the Life of adventure finally land, we do so knowing that the wind has carried us far and wide. As we land, we thrive on our adventure, including all of the flowers we encountered along the journey.brWhen you are ready, find a place to land knowing that your life has a propose.

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