Did you ever like any of your school or drivers license pictures?
Haha HELL no I dont like my pictures EVER!brbrWhen I smiled for my state ID card, the guy asked me quotis that a smirk or a smile?quot and I didnt say anything because he was about to take the pic then he asked again, and I answered and OF COURSE he took the pic right as I was answering. brIt also looks smushed down. Like I have a short fat head.brgtbrbrMy campus access college ID card just looks like a MUG SHOT.brbrbrbreditbrbrbrsigh, Y!A is stuck AGAIN.brHaha. You must fee special pbrbrAnd OMG! WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO NICE?!brAll these thumbs up on the first few pages of answers!brNormally youd have a bunch of stupid people thumbing down every answer for no reason.brD
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