What are you referring too when you say I, the body? The mind? The self? All? Or is it something else?
Im not looking for the definiton of the letter I, im seeking its location. What are we actually referring too?
This quotMEquot or the quotIquot that declares its existence is the bundle of quotMASKSquot personalities molded by ignorance about its existence.The one that says quotI like or I donquott likequot is the essence of the total personal consciousness, conditioned and still being conditioned to be distinct and separate from his environment This me was born from the time the conscious mind interact with its environment. I think this is the most important question in our lifetime and its the hardest of all the question of the human kind. please bear in mind that the description is not the described, and I humbly tried to answer your question according to what I observed , please this is not conclusive its up to the reader to discover the truth and the false of my descriptions. Thank you.
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