Thursday, October 4, 2012

Did the Americans take part in WW? If so, Why? All I know is that Britain declared war on Germany in ?


Did the Americans take part in WW? If so, Why? All I know is that Britain declared war on Germany in ?
and that we beat them in . Did the Germans attack America?


Lol.brbrA common myth in World War II history is that quotthe allies couldnt have done it without Americaquot. In all honesty, the U.S had little effect. Ask any qualified historian about the events of World War II, and youll find that the Soviet Union was the most important in bringing about Nazi Germanys collapse. DDay is overrated. And no one should deny that. Britain, Australia, Russia, Canada and the last of French Resistance did all the work, and the U.S claims they won solely by themselves?brbrPlease investigate the past further, and before anyone takes criticism of my remarks, understand and educate yourselves first.brbrEDIT Well Desaxe, you are right about one thing. The Americans shipped a wide range of resources to Britain food, ammunition, coal etc although the U.K was never totally reliant on them. With this in mind, consider the fact of the Nazi UBoat campaign, which sunk approximately of merchant vessels sailing the Atlantic throughout the whole duration of the conflict. And yes, the U.S did supply the Soviet Union with technology tanks and aircraft most notably, although insignificant amounts really, and the U.S.S.R never went bankrupt. So really, Americas impact on the war in Europe was overly minimal. If you think about it logically, the English had long been defending their shores from Luftwaffe air raids during the Battle of Britain without Americas relief, and they didnt look like surrendering anytime soon. brbrEver heard about Operation Barbarossa? Fuhrer Adolf Hitler planned an invasion of the Soviet Union on June , . Millions of Soviet troops died or were captured that Summer season. But , Nazi troops a very large quantity of the invasion force perished from the freezing minus degree temperatures in the Winter months to follow....After a counteroffensive, the U.S.S.R was closing in rapidly on East Germany too. The Battle of Kursk doubt youve ever heard of that was crucial to the outcome of World War II. This is the site where Russia overwhelmed the German Wehrmacht and Schutzstaffel, despite their previous hardships..Oh and wait, who was the first to reach Berlin? Thats right it was the Soviet Union...DDay distracted the Germans and scattered the remnants of their army. It is true it helped to hasten the Allied victory but it was by no means instrumental. And definitely nowhere near as significant as its made out to be in your fake Hollywood movies. brbrOne last thing the other major battleground of World War II North Africa saw the most limited involvement from American troops. Im not even going to begin explaining about this, Ill just leave you in your ignorance. Again, learn your facts before posting.

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