Did you happen to ?
Sneeze today ?
Did you go to church this morning?
What faith are you?
Yes to a Baptist Church.
Did you ever wish life was simple?
If it was then it would be nope.
Did you ever touch a snake?
Yes, a few years ago at a pet store. I was terrified of them but curious. I had asked one of the girls that worked there if I could touch one and she pulled out a baby tangerine Honduran milk snake. It took me a few minutes to get the nerve to touch it but once I did it wasnt long before I was holding it myself, letting it slither in between my fingers and I fell in love. I held that thing for an hour, I just couldnt let it go and asked to hold something bigger. She pulled out a boa however it wasnt full grown. I put a down payment on the milk snake but when I got home and talked to Mom about it she didnt want it in the house.brbrMaybe some day Ill have my milk snake. It was the best experience once I got over the fear. Not sure Id be the same with a tarantula though. That would take a lot more convincing I think.
Did you ever need stitches when you were a kid?
Not me.
Did you ever like any of your school or drivers license pictures?
Haha HELL no I dont like my pictures EVER!brbrWhen I smiled for my state ID card, the guy asked me quotis that a smirk or a smile?quot and I didnt say anything because he was about to take the pic then he asked again, and I answered and OF COURSE he took the pic right as I was answering. brIt also looks smushed down. Like I have a short fat head.brgtbrbrMy campus access college ID card just looks like a MUG SHOT.brbrbrbreditbrbrbrsigh, Y!A is stuck AGAIN.brHaha. You must fee special pbrbrAnd OMG! WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO NICE?!brAll these thumbs up on the first few pages of answers!brNormally youd have a bunch of stupid people thumbing down every answer for no reason.brD
Did you ever kill someone?
Time to come out of the closet, people. Be honest.
no... I never killed anyone.